Morning Family service

We meet every Sunday morning at 11am for a time of family worship for all ages. We sing hymns, we pray together, we listen to God’s word, the Bible, being read aloud and we explore God’s word through preaching. We preach through God’s word to explain, illustrate and apply God’s word into our everyday lives.

Christmas: What makes Christmas

From Sunday 8th December we shall start looking at four advent lessons in Matthew chapters 1 and 2 looking at the real meaning of Christmas. We shall look at:

  • The family of Jesus
  • The birth of Jesus
  • The wise men
  • The name of Jesus

Sunday School

There is a Sunday School during the morning service for younger children and this is held in the church hall. The children normally go out to Sunday School after the 2nd hymn.

Fellowship Lunch

Normally on the first Sunday in the month we have a fellowship bring n’share lunch immediately after the morning service. This allows meaningful friendships & relationships to be built as we enjoy a meal together.


We hold communion on the second Sunday in the month where we celebrate the Lord’s supper as a church for those who are baptised believers in good standing with a local church.

Church Prayer Meetings

On the third Sunday in the month we hold a prayer meeting at 4:30pm in the church. This allows us to pray as a church for ministry, mission, members and meaningful friendships in our community.